Wednesday, February 2, 2011

37 Weeks

Oh My Goodness!  I cant believe we made it!  I am now off the Terbutaline and having even more contractions and they are pretty much constant!  However the intensity does not get stronger which means no baby yet!  I went to the Dr. this week and Austin is measuring almost 37 weeks!  The Dr. said if I make it to 40 weeks she is predicting a 7lb baby boy!  After weeks of praying that I would have no changes... now I am praying for changes!  We cant wait to meet our sweet little boy!  Here is a picture of
my enormous belly at 37 weeks!


My Great Grandfather passed away this past weekend, so it has been a hard week not being able to be with my family.  My mom said that Grandpa Bailey must have wanted to meet Austin before the rest of the family!  He was an amazing man and I am very happy that when he got to Heaven he was able to meet sweet Austin!  Love you Grandpa Bailey and we miss you already!