Thursday, December 30, 2010

32 Weeks

It has been an eventful week to say the least.  I went to my normal Dr. visit last Wednesday and thought the only thing that was going to happen was getting my blood pressure checked and weighed!   Oh Boy was i wrong!  When Dr. Norton was measuring my belly she noticed i was having a contraction and asked me how often that has been happening.  I had called the week before because i was having them and they thought they were just Braxton Hicks contractions.  So she hooked me up to the monitor and sure enough i was having contractions and quite a bit about 3 minutes apart!  She then checked me and sent me to the hospital.  I ended up having to get 2 injections of Terbutaline to stop contractions (which by the way OUCH)  the first injection did not work at all and they had to wait to give me the second injection because my heart rate was too fast. It took a while for the second one to work but it did, praise the Lord!  After the contractions simmered down the next thing i knew i was getting dressed and sent on my way with antibiotics for a UTI and a prescription for Terbutaline to take every 4 hours.  I was put on bed rest until my appt. on Tuesday.  Over Christmas my hubby waited on my every need he was absolutely wonderful and we have a great Christmas at the house! I was still having contractions even though i was taking the meds.  So i went back to the Dr. on Tuesday and she seems to think that Austin will be here within a few weeks (i still have 55 days till my due date)  We are praying he stays put until 34 weeks so he can be delivered in Beaufort and that way his lungs can develop a little more, but we would be VERY happy if he made it to the 37 week mark!  I am still on bed rest but she is allowing me to go into work for a few hours here and there and do some work from home.

Clay and I are both scared out of our mind but the Dr. keeps telling us that he is going to be just fine.  Needless to say God never gives you more than you can handle and we will continue to trust in his plan!  I go back to the Dr. on Tuesday and will update on little Austin after  that!  Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us!

Friday, December 17, 2010

30 weeks

I am *30* weeks pregnant!  I cant believe how fast this is all flying by!  As of today i have approximately 68 days left!  I am certainly enjoying feeling him move around and knowing what body part is pushing/kicking!  What i haven't been enjoying is the lack of sleep and the bags under my eyes, the constant back pain, and the huge swollen achy ankles!  But none of that seems so bad when he gets the hiccups and I just sit and giggle watching my belly go up and down!

The room is finally painted, thanks to Darlenes help!  His furniture is all put together and his bookshelf painted!  Pictures soon to come!  It looks like a baby room and it looks exactly how I pictured it would!

My friend Teresa took some maternity pictures of me last week and they turned out beautiful!  It was super cold but we had such a great time and went exploring!  We found some abandoned rail road tracks that made for some beautiful pictures!  Here are a few of them and more to come later after she gets some time after the holidays to edit!
Check out her facebook page here!

Pictures taken at 29 weeks!